Friday, August 26, 2016

Nerve Soundtrack

All Soundtrack from Nerve. List of Soundtrack

MEGA SECRETS FAMILY PORTRAITmega secrets - family portraitmega secrets - family portrait

THE SUN'S GONE DIM AND THE SKY'S TURNED BLACK (NERVE REMIX) JOHANN JOHANNSSONthe sun's gone dim and the sky's turned black (nerve remix) - johann johannssonthe sun's gone dim and the sky's turned black (nerve remix) - johann johannsson

I DON'T DREAM SWEETMATESi don't dream - sweetmatesi don't dream - sweetmates
GET DOWN JESS KENTget down - jess kentget down - jess kent

CRIME CUTZ HOLY GHOST!!crime cutz - holy ghost!!crime cutz - holy ghost!!

CRIME CUTZ HOLY GHOST!crime cutz - holy ghost!crime cutz - holy ghost!

CAN'T GET ENOUGH BASENJIcan't get enough - basenjican't get enough - basenji
KAMIKAZE MOkamikaze - mokamikaze - mo

ELECTRIC LOVE BORNSelectric love - bornselectric love - borns

RIDE LOWELL (FEAT. ICONA POP)ride - lowell (feat. icona pop)ride - lowell (feat. icona pop)

RIDE LOWELL FEAT. ICONA POPride - lowell feat. icona popride - lowell feat. icona pop

SOAP MELANIE MARTINEZsoap - melanie martinezsoap - melanie martinez

INVERTEBRATE DARKE COMPLEXinvertebrate - darke complexinvertebrate - darke complex

HURRICANE (ARTY REMIX) HALSEYhurricane (arty remix) - halseyhurricane (arty remix) - halsey

OKAY HOLY GHOST!!okay - holy ghost!!okay - holy ghost!!

OKAY HOLY GHOST!okay - holy ghost!okay - holy ghost!

BENDER BRO SAFARIbender - bro safaribender - bro safari

BASICALLY TEI SHIbasically - tei shibasically - tei shi

BLACK BELTS PYRAMID VRITRA (FEAT. PYRAMID QUINCE)black belts - pyramid vritra (feat. pyramid quince)black belts - pyramid vritra (feat. pyramid quince)

LUCKY I GOT WHAT I WANT JUNGLElucky i got what i want - junglelucky i got what i want - jungle

GIVE ME MORE GRANDTHEFTgive me more - grandtheftgive me more - grandtheft

DARKEN THE DOOR CRYSTAL STILTSdarken the door - crystal stiltsdarken the door - crystal stilts

GIVE ONE MORE CHANCE THE DIPLOMATS OF SOLID SOUNDgive one more chance - the diplomats of solid soundgive one more chance - the diplomats of solid sound

INTO THE NIGHT BENNY MARDONESinto the night - benny mardonesinto the night - benny mardones

FORGET IT BLOOD ORANGEforget it - blood orangeforget it - blood orange

GIVE ONE MORE CHANCE DIPLOMATS OF SOLID SOUNDgive one more chance - diplomats of solid soundgive one more chance - diplomats of solid sound

SINCE I DON'T HAVE YOU THE SKYLINERSsince i don't have you - the skylinerssince i don't have you - the skyliners

YOU GOT IT ROY ORBISONyou got it - roy orbisonyou got it - roy orbison

BABY BUNNY SUGAR HONEY JERRY WILLIAMSbaby bunny sugar honey - jerry williamsbaby bunny sugar honey - jerry williams


Soundtrack from soundsize

'Nerve' Review: It's 'Pokemon Go' as a Gonzo Horror Movie

There's a killer idea circling this tricked-up teen thriller, which is more than you can say for most summer movies. But the idea never lands because Nerve lacks the, well, nerve to follow through on its convictions. These days, with Pokemon Go turning smartphone app users into digitally-led zombies, a film about a livestream online game that dares its users to risk their lives for likes, follows and cash rewards couldn't be more timely. Directors Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman, who had us all questioning our web contacts with the 2010 documentary Catfish, seem like just the dudes to take our obsessions to the next level with the fictional Nerve.

Working from a jargon-savvy script by Jessica Sharzer, who adapted the 2012 novel by Jeanne Ryan, Joost and Schulman kick things off promisingly. Are you a watcher or a player? The game demands an answer, so watch what you swipe. The watchers have to pay to observe the players — public humiliation is a hot ticket in Snapchat America. Emma Roberts stars as Venus "Vee" Delmonico, a shy Staten Island high-school senior who's too intimidated by everything from her mother (Juliette Lewis) to life itself to be anything but a watcher. It's her best friend, Sydney (Emily Meade), who's not above flashing her butt to a crowded stadium to up her Nerve score, who goads Vee to get her game on. On her first go as a player, she's dared to share a kiss in public with a stranger named Ian (Dave Franco). And, none too convincingly, she starts to reveal her daredevil side.

It works at first. Cinematographer Michael Simmonds shoots the dares with vertiginous style and glee; one skyscraper stunt is King Kong crazy. That's a cue for the filmmakers to escalate the tension — so too bad that what really escalates are stupid plot tricks. By the time Vee and Ian head into Manhattan on Ian's hog, things have turned deadly. That also goes for the film's logic and pacing. Roberts, 25, and Franco, 31, are too old to pass for teens, but they bring a scrappy charm to their underdeveloped roles.
Digital surveillance is every bit as present in Nerve as it is Jason Bourne, but the former underestimates the ability of its millenial audience to do its own thinking. As a movie, it gets off on the highwire fun of living on a dare and then pisses away its provocations by lecturing us on the loss of privacy and the fragility of identity, topped off with a metaphorical take on social media as an STD. What a buzz kill.


Industrious high school senior, Vee Delmonico, has had it with living life on the sidelines. When pressured by friends to join the popular online game Nerve, Vee decides to sign up for just one dare in what seems like harmless fun. But as she finds herself caught up in the thrill of the adrenaline-fueled competition partnered with a mysterious stranger, the game begins to take a sinister turn with increasingly dangerous acts, leading her into a high stakes finale that will determine her entire future.

Rating:PG-13 (for thematic material involving dangerous and risky behavior, some sexual content, language, drug content, drinking and nudity - all involving teens)
Genre: Mystery & Suspense
Directed By:Ariel Schulman , Henry Joost
Written By:Jessica Sharzer In Theaters:Jul 27, 2016  wide
Box Office:$1,191,949.00
Runtime: 96 minutes
Studio:Keep Your Head